Why Pinocchio?

Why Pinocchio?

Because this year is the 130th anniversary of the first complete edition of Pinocchio (1883): even after all these years, Carlo Lorenzini (Collodi)’s novel is still a true classic.

Because it is the most translated book in the world after the Bible and it continues to be the source of inspiration for works of art, plays, films, books and songs, in addition to being the source of everyday proverbs, satires, cartoons and animated movies.

Because Pinocchio cannot simply be considered a children’s book; it is still being used in universities for in-depth study of language and literature by professors such as Umberto Eco.

But why do we need to explain all this?

Because among the different cinematic interpretations by great directors such as Luigi Comencini e Roberto Benigni, the brilliant Walt Disney’s animated version, aimed at a very young audience, eventually replaced the original Tuscan text, which had always otherwise attracted adult readers for its Italian roots and profound irony.

Because Pinocchio light-heartedly engages us in literary, linguistic and cultural games and activities. It is a novel full of themes that are important to students: its primary message is the universal significance of becoming a human being.

For all these reasons, right here you will find an interactive reading guide, a variety of practical activities for using the Italian language and may examples of the most interesting interpretations of Collodi’s classic, which show us his characters and situations from contemporary perspectives.

Because reading Pinocchio as an instrument of for acquiring language and culture is the most natural way to learn Italian, moving from an elementary level to an advanced proficiency in the language and an in-depth knowledge of the culture.

This is why the MLA (Modern Language Association) has published a book of pedagogical applications and suggestions to encourage teachers to present Pinocchio in their classes (the only other teaching guides in the Italian series are on Dante and Boccaccio): Approaches to Teaching Collodi’s Pinocchio and Its Adaptations, Michael Sherberg, ed., 2006.

Because Pinocchio enables us to teach Italian effectively, especially when using this eTextbook: an interactive and multimedia instrument that presents text, notes, glosses, questions, comments, audio, videos, web links, exercises and activities at the same time. The iBook is accessible from any iPad and Mac (OS X Mavericks) and available from the iBookstore. The FlipBook edition for PC, Mac, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, iPad Mini, Smart Phones and Android Tablets is available on this website.

About Pinocchio

“In 1881, Carlo Collodi intended simply to write a children’s story about an inexplicably animate piece of wood. The Adventures of Pinocchio has since become one of Italy’s most successful literary exports, giving life to numerous adaptations. The novel is meaningful to college students today, as it deals with the difficulty of abandoning childhood, the value of education, and what it means to be human.”

The Modern Language Association

“Though written in the nineteenth century, the original Pinocchio remains as readable as if it had been written in the twenty-first, so limpid and simple is its prose.”

Umberto Eco

“Any [reading] list, I think, must begin with Pinocchio.”

Italo Calvino

“[Pinocchio is] a model of narration, wherein each theme is presented and returns with exemplary rhythm and precision, every episode has a function and a necessity in the general design of the action, each character has a visible clarity and a linguistic specificity.”

Italo Calvino

“The superiority of the Collodi original to the Disney adaptation lies in its reluctance to make the inner motivations of the story explicit [….] No less than Proust’s novel in search of lost time, [Collodi’s] story is a search for his lost childhood.”

Paul Auster

“Pinocchio the novel, no less than Pinocchio the character, is one of the great inventions of modern literature. A sublime anomaly, the book merges the traditions of the picaresque, of street theater, and of folk and fairy tales into a work that is at once adventure, satire, and a powerful enchantment that anticipates surrealism and magical realism. Thronged with memorable characters and composed with the fluid but inevitable logic of a dream, Pinocchio is an endlessly fascinating work that is essential equipment for life.”

The New York Times

“Disney’s sentimental depiction of Pinocchio bears little resemblance to Collodi’s unscrupulous puppet, [... with] the sardonic wit and black humour of the original.”

London Times

About the Author of Pinocchio: Avventure in italiano

Chiara Frenquellucci, Ph.D., has been promoting language proficiency and cultural competence in her students since 1987, at universities all over the U.S. Her focus has always been to fast-track language acquisition using books, film, artwork and music. She has spent her life across four continents, learning different languages herself and absorbing multiple cultures and perspectives.

While teaching at Harvard and publishing paper books, textbooks and articles on language and literature, Professor Frenquellucci began developing interactive multimedia materials for her students, offering powerful tools to acquire Italian in a captivating, effortless way.

These tools are showcased in this innovative Intermediate Italian iBook, Pinocchio: Avventure in italiano, which contains visual vocabulary, audio, a contextualized grammar guide, subtitled video clips of movies, plays, songs, poetry, as well as games, newspaper articles, short stories and useful internet links. It will enable you to read a full novel above your current level at your own pace.

You will experience Italian language and culture in a multifaceted way as you cross over to advanced fluency. In the process you can annotate the book, complete the practice activities, write, make study cards, add comments and email them to yourself, your friends or your teacher. Above all, it will turn Italian acquisition into a fun, magical, interactive exploration.

A true adventure!